Jane & Graham


My final project for my illustration degree.


‘Jane & Graham’ tells the story of my grandparents' meeting as children. Living next door to each other, my Grandma had a happy childhood, in a big house with lots of family, music and visits to her Aunt's shop ‘Jane and Judy’ (named after her and her sister). My Grandfather lived next door, in the grounds of a house owned by a Colonel, his mother working there as a cleaner. With not much money or family, he had a less idyllic life. My Grandma and Grandfather were friends and I wanted to depict this story of two children living differently, yet parallel to each other. This film was made entirely by me - from the models, to filming to editing.

All music rights go to Raymond Scott, The Metropole Orchestra and Geert Chatrou.


Rodger the Morris Man


Let the Wind Carry Me